Our Story
MTG’s philosophy is that quality planning is the key to a successful project. We believe it is critical to clearly define the goals and expectations of our Clients. With the Client’s goals and expectations understood, we then apply our insights, experience, and technology throughout the planning process with frequent communications with our Clients.
Founded in 1962, MTG Engineers and Surveyors (MTG) has since continuously provided a broad range of quality professional engineering and land surveying services. Our primary service area is the Four States Region of Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana; however, MTG is licensed to provide engineering services in an additional thirteen states. Throughout our history, the people of MTG have consistently distinguished themselves in meeting the needs of our clients by providing a broad range of professional services based on a combination of professionalism, extensive experience and technical innovation. Every day people drive on streets/highways, utilize utilities, attend schools, play in parks, or work at business parks or in industries for which the facilities were surveyed and engineered by the people of MTG.
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Meet Our Team

Kayla Wood, PE
3rd Generation President (Current)

David Williams, PE

Vance Liles, PE

Jeff Wood, RPLS

Joe Chalifoux, PE

Bob Murray, PE
2nd Generation President

Pete Thomas

Herb Murray

Jerry Griffin